Perfected Compensation 2023
At our Leadership Summits in Orlando, Taipei, and Amsterdam, we announced enhancements to the Compensation Plan for 2023. If you are looking at LoveBiome as a way to achieve financial freedom through our message of microbiome health, and our world-class compensation, these new enhancements will surely get you excited to be a part of the LoveBiome family.

Introducing LoveCash, LoveIncome, and LoveBest
LoveBiome has structured our plan to pay more at the beginning, more in the middle, and more for hard-working leaders. We have made huge investments to ensure that we can keep costs low, create happy customers, reward the sweet spot of growth at the sixth level, and have life-changing rewards for our most loyal Members.
LoveCash Highlights
LoveCash is our easy entry point for our Customers, Affiliates, and Affiliate Plus. Here are some of the highlights to LoveCash:
- Affiliate Plus and Merchant PV requirement now 60 PV.
- Customers benefits you TWO WAYS:
- Customer sales help you meet your monthly PV
- You also earn commissions/bonuses on all customer purchases
- Affiliate Plus income is paid weekly
- 5% Sales Bonus on personal customers and members
- 10% Sales Commission on personal customers and members
- 5% Sales Commission on all sales made by their personally enrolled members
- LoveCash Bonus: $150 for enrolling 3 NEW Affiliate Plus, 3 NEW Customers, and helping your 3 Affiliate Plus enroll 3 NEW Customers of their own.
- Weekly Income Income Bonus Champions! The top weekly income earner from each region gets an extra $100.

LoveIncome Highlights
LoveIncome is the next level of your LoveBiome business. This is when you start to build a strong team and begin to increase your business in a significant way. Here are some of the highlights to LoveIncome:
- Builder Achievement Bonus: Members who qualify for Builder two, non-consecutive months, will receive $500 on their second month.
- Additional Builder Bonuses:
- 9,600 OV6: $500
- 14,400 OV6: $750
- 19,200 OV6: $1,000
- Leader Achievement Bonus: Members who qualify for Leader two, non-consecutive months, will receive $2,500 on their second month.
- Star Performer Achievement Bonus: Members who qualify for Star Performer two, non-consecutive months, will receive $5,000 on their second month.

LoveBest Highlights
LoveBest is the pinnacle of the LoveBiome Perfected Compensation Plan! This is when you get to share the wealth globally and get to live out your bucket-list fantasies. Here are some of the highlights to LoveBest:
- Elite Performer Achievement Bonus: Members who qualify for Elite Performer two, non-consecutive months, will receive $10,000 on their second month.
- 2023 Star & Elite Performer Infinity Bonus: 3% of global volume paid out to Stars and Elites.
- 75% of this bonus pool will be distributed to Elite Performers.
- 25% of this bonus pool will be distributed to Star Performers.
- To qualify, Members must earn the Star 7 Elite Performer title 3 times.
- LoveBiome Event Plan:
- Annual Leadership Summit in February. Our next one will be Xcaret 2024. Click here for more info.
- Annual Elite Reward Trip in the fall (starting next year). Our next one will be Dubai 2023. Click here for more info.
- Regional events throughout the year.
We hope having all these highlights will help our Members create a strategy for building their LoveBiome business. And if you are here trying to decide whether to join the LoveBiome family, what are you waiting for? We have the most timely message in the health and wellness industry. We have the best Compensation Plan. The era of the microbiome is here. This is LoveBiome.